One on one executive mentoring. Accelerate your performance and your organisation’s growth with leadership expert…
Leadership Masterclass
Dr Gail Crossley-Craven has a proven and successful career in business (large and small) and is an established expert in leadership and organisational performance. Gail has recently won the BPW Business Women Award and has presented at many conferences worldwide.
PhD (Ed); MEd; Psych Ldrshp (MPsych); JP (Qual)
Ultimate Mentoring
Are you serious about performance? It can be lonely at the top. Whether you’re a corporate executive or leading a fast-growth business, the opportunity for total access to an experienced, insightful advisor who has walked your path is not only invaluable but also unique.
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Leadership Psychology Masterclass
Life and Business Growth
One-to-one individualised mentoring. Accelerate your own performance and grow your organisation today.
Leadership Masterclass
Do you want to level-up your leadership understanding and be recognised in your workplace? This leadership masterclass will provide personal and professional development which is the pillar to being successful and leading a fulfilled life. This leadership psychology masterclass is the answer.
Over 30 years of experience with solid advice and individualised proven strategies; more than just ‘tutoring’.
Business Coaching for Females
For women looking to accelerate their career, business and/or professional know-how, so they achieve and reach their potential.
What people say
Why Women Need Coaching
Coaching and counselling are important tools for women who want to achieve success in their careers. These tools can help women identify their strengths, overcome
Workplace Counselling/Coaching
Counselling/coaching services are becoming increasingly popular in workplaces across the globe. They are a valuable resource for both employers and employees, offering a range of
Self and Identity for Young Teenagers
As adolescents, 13 and 14-year-olds are in a stage of life where they are developing their sense of self and identity. This process can often
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